Revd the Min[iste]r of St Sidwells Ex[ete]r

Chanter 232A, 189

  1. Residence, curate and lecturer: [No answer given]

  2. Other benefices: [No answer given]

  3. Divine service at other churches: [No answer given]

  4. Frequency of divine service: The Church is Serv'd Twice every Sunday with a Sermon both in the Forenoon & Afternoon.

  5. Frequency of communion: The Sacrament is Administer'd the 2d Sunday in every Month. The Number of Communicants is generally from Fifty to Sixty.

  6. Catechising of children: The Children are Catechis'd yearly between Midsummer & Xmas.

  7. Church fabric: The Church and Chancel are in good repair the Churchyard well kept, & everything decent for divine Service.

  8. Glebe terrier: There is a Vicarage House & Garden but no Glebe.

  9. Number of families: There are about 400 Families in the Parish.

  10. Chapels: There is no Chapel within the Parish.

  11. Papists, dissenters and meeting houses: There are Three Papists in the Parish. No Meeting Houses.

  12. School, alms-houses, hospital and charitable endowments: There is no Publick School, but a Private one for the Education of Children. There are Alms Houses near the Church, inhabited by the Poor of the Parish.

  13. Charity: There are Two Benefactions, one call'd Warren's and the other Filly's, both which are applied to their proper use.

    Priest's orders and institution: My Priest's Orders bare date the 24th Day of September 1758

    I am
    My Lord,
    Your Lordship's most Obedient Servant James Newcombe
    Exeter May 6th 1779